Pests at nursing home

This article is written based on Swedish conditions. Hopefully, it can inspire interested parties from other countries.

In nursing homes as in other places where many people move in, the risk of getting pests increases. Those who are not vigilant and do not have good routines may risk having to shut down parts of the operation to sanitize. Vigilance and good cleaning routines provide the conditions to keep away pests such as bedbugs.

Pests in nursing homes

Nursing homes are places where elderly people live and receive the care and help they need to live a safe and comfortable life. Unfortunately, there can sometimes be problems with pests that can make life difficult for both the residents and the staff. Pests can range from insects like cockroaches and bed bugs to rodents like rats and mice.

Living with pests affects health

Pests can affect the health of elderly people in various ways. They can bite, sting and cause allergic reactions in the residents, which can lead to physical and psychological discomfort. In addition, they can spread diseases and harmful bacteria, which can be particularly dangerous for people with weakened immune systems.

Professional help with pest control

When pests occur in the nursing home despite measures taken, they must be taken seriously and dealt with quickly. This requires cooperation between the nursing home and professional pest controllers. The experts can identify and eliminate the problem in a safe and efficient way, while taking into account the health and safety of the staff and the elderly.

Pest control in nursing homes is a sensitive process that should be handled with caution and empathy. Communication with the residents about the measures being taken is important to prevent worry and frustration. The staff can also help by reporting any problems and being alert to signs that may indicate the presence of pests.

Preventive measures against pests

To prevent pest problems in nursing homes, it is important to
- carry out regular inspections and maintenance of buildings and outdoor environments. This can identify and rectify any cracks and cavities that can serve as entrances for pests in time.
- regular cleaning and sanitation of areas where there is a risk of pests spreading, such as kitchens, dining areas and bedrooms.
- careful waste management to avoid attracting pests to food leftovers and waste.

In summary, pests are an unfortunate reality that can sometimes negatively impact nursing homes. By taking preventive measures and acting quickly when pests are detected, the negative consequences for the residents and staff can be minimized. It is important that nursing homes take pest control seriously and cooperate with experts to create a safe and healthy environment for the elderly.

Bed bugs

In places where many people move in and out, there is an increased risk for bed bugs. The bed bug likes to hide in everything from beds to sofas, picture frames, curtains, wheelchairs, radios and smoke alarms. Other places it can be found are behind baseboards and loose wallpaper or in storage boxes and books.

An empty bed bug is transparent and turns reddish-brown when it has sucked blood. In the absence of food, it can hibernate for up to a year. Then it is no thicker than a credit card and is difficult to detect. A bed bug cannot jump or fly but moves by crawling. It does not cause any spread of infection. Bed bugs are nocturnal beetles and they are not active when the light is on.

If a new resident moves in where there is suspicion of bed bugs, all clothes, shoes, bags should be put in double plastic bags. In consultation with the individual, a decision must be made about what should be discarded and what can be washed or treated in another way. It is not always possible to see on the individual if they have been bitten, which means that a check of the individual's skin is not really safe. Bed bugs are not carried on the body and the individual in question therefore poses no risk of infection and can therefore be cared for with others.

During chemical treatment, a substance is sprayed at the baseboards and in the bed (the bed's legs and base). This substance should act for 5-6 weeks. The bed must not be moved from the room during that time (mark the bed). The agent, which is long-lasting, is water-soluble, which means that you must not wet mop against the baseboards. The bed can of course be cleaned, but if there is no spill towards the bed's legs and base, be careful with cleaning these details. The sanitation means that the room is closed off for at least one day before a new resident can be let in.

If there is a strong suspicion or knowledge that a person has bed bugs in their home, the following measures should be taken when they have personal contact with the care. Give the individual clean clothes. Clothes and belongings. Bed bugs die through machine washing at least 60°C, dry cleaning, drying cabinet or tumble dryer 50°C for 30 minutes. Deep freezing for a week also kills the lice.

Means to fight bed bugs

Fighting bed bugs can be a challenge, but it is important to act quickly to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Chemical insecticides It is important to choose a product that is specifically designed to handle bed bugs and to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Never use chemical insecticides on bedding, mattresses or clothes that come into contact with the skin.
Steam Steam treatment is an effective method for killing bed bugs and their eggs. Steam can be used on mattresses, furniture and other affected areas.
Washing and tumble drying Wash and tumble dry all bedding, clothes and other textiles that may have come into contact with bed bugs at high temperature. Bed bugs and their eggs die at temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius.
Freezing If possible, place small items suspected of being infected in the freezer for several days. Low temperatures can kill bed bugs.
Bed covers Use special bed covers designed to prevent bed bugs from accessing the bed and mattress.
Traps and powders There are bed bug traps and powders that can help limit spread.
Professional pest control In a nursing home, it is best to hire professional pest controllers. They have experience and access to effective methods and chemicals to eliminate bed bugs.
Preventive measures: After the bed bugs have been fought, it is important to take preventive measures, including keeping the residence clean and regularly inspecting for any recurring bed bugs.

It is important to be patient when trying to get rid of bed bugs, as it can take time to completely get rid of them. Regular review and preventive measures can help prevent bed bugs from returning. Also contact healthcare hygiene for advice and support.

Reflection questions - pests
Care staff:
- What knowledge do you have about bed bugs within the team?
- Would you notice them before they spread to more apartments?
- Do you have experience with other pests in your unit?

Manager, nurse, occupational therapist and physiotherapist:
- What preparedness do you have for bed bugs and other pests in the business?
- Are there preparedness plans, contracts with sanitation companies etc.?

Residents and relatives:
- What would you do if you noticed pests in the nursing home?

Erland Olsson
Specialist nurse
Sofrosyne - Better care every day

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