Personal Spaces

This article is translated with AI and written based on Swedish conditions. Hopefully, it can inspire interested parties from other countries.

There are lots of requirements in the regulations on how the work environment for employees should be designed. All employees need to change into work clothes before work shifts and if the work clothes get dirty during work shifts. In the case of cohort care, for example, work clothes may need to be changed several times a day. There needs to be access to a shower and toilet. There also needs to be other staff areas such as dining rooms and rest rooms. In the nursing home, it is also a matter of infection control and care hygiene.

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Staff Facilities

One of the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations addresses the requirements for staff facilities. There should be space to store clothes so that they are not dirtied, damaged, or stolen, and separate areas for storing work clothes so they are kept separate from personal items. There must be changing rooms. Men and women should not share these. There should be room for those changing so they are not crowded. Everyone should have their own seat while they change clothes. There should be a chance to see oneself in a mirror. Likewise, the opportunity to wash in moderately tempered water and to shower in a separate shower room connected to the changing room. These should be separate for men and women. There should be soap and towels.

There should be an adequate number of toilets for the employees working at the same time. The toilet rooms should be large enough and private with a lockable door. Toilet rooms should not be directly connected to food areas.

Meal Breaks

Workers should be able to eat under satisfactory conditions during meal breaks. Anyone who eats brought food should have access to a dining room or a place in a staff restaurant. Near the place where brought food is consumed, there should be a heating device, refrigerator, storage spaces, waste collection containers, access to hot and cold water, and the ability to wash dishes. Seats should have backrests.

There should be room to spend breaks in the work at a suitable place. Also, there should be a rest room or a quiet space where a resting place can be easily arranged if an employee, for example, gets a headache or nausea.

Reflection - staff facilities and night work
Care staff:
• Do the changing rooms live up to the requirements in the regulation?

Manager, Nurse, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist:
• Does the operation have good staff facilities?
• Are hygiene issues included when you do the safety round?

Resident and Relatives:
• Are the staff appropriately dressed?
• Are breaks working without negative consequences for the residents?

Erland Olsson
Specialist nurse
Sofrosyne - Better care every day

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    Foto: Mostphotos

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