The palliative register provides the opportunity to develop end-of-life care.

This AI translated article is based on Swedish conditions. Hopefully, it can inspire those interested from other countries.

The palliative registry is a registry where end-of-life care is evaluated after death. With the death report form, a number of factors are registered that can both contribute to developing care at the local unit as well as nationally. Using the palliative registry is always a way to work with continuous improvements.

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Learning from Experience

The Palliative Register is a registry that records the care of the dying in the final stages of life. The registration takes place posthumously. Approximately half of all deaths in Sweden are registered in the Palliative Register. Registering is a learning process both for the person registering, but when used correctly, for the entire operation. The registration provides a retrospective view of how well the operation has succeeded in care during the last period of the deceased's life. It also provides insight into where the operation has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to end-of-life care.

All reporting is done digitally via The registry is filled in by the responsible nurse or doctor. Ideally, the team should consult before the questionnaire is filled out.

The survey addresses questions such as

- Whether the person received a breakpoint conversation about approaching the end of life and that care was focused on quality of life and symptom relief and that this was documented in the medical records.
- That the dying person received pain relief and relief from other troublesome symptoms during their last time and that the symptoms were noted in a correct way.
- That there were correct prescriptions for as-needed medications.
- That the care provided was good and adapted to the needs.
- That the dying person was able to die in the place they wished.
- That the dying person did not have to die alone.
- That the relatives received the support they needed and wished for.

Knowledge Development

By using the register, you contribute not only to improving your own care at the unit. The figures can also be used at a national and regional level to strengthen quality. This could involve spreading knowledge about how to best support the dying and their relatives and how care work is planned and led in the best way.

The register can also be used to extract material to see the operation's own strengths and weaknesses and thus be used in planning of competence development as well as to compare with other units and thus see what can be learned from others.

Reflection Questions - Palliative Register
Care Staff:
- Do those who die with you have a good last time?
- Do you have good teamwork?
- Are relatives taken care of in a good way?

Manager, Nurse, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist:
- Do you have good team cooperation when it comes to end-of-life care?
- Do you register in the palliative register?
- Do you regularly evaluate end-of-life care?
- What areas of improvement do you have?  

Residents and relatives:
- Do you know if the operation is registered in the Palliative Register?

Erland Olsson
Specialist nurse
Sofrosyne - Better care every day

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    Foto: Mostphotos

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