How the nursing home reduces its environmental impact – A guide for sustainable care
This article is written from a Swedish perspective. Hopefully, it can inspire those interested from other countries.
Often when we talk about the environment in a nursing home, we think of the physical environment. In this section, we refer to the impact on the climate that a nursing home generates.
Reducing the environmental impact of the nursing home is an important part of creating a sustainable and responsible care environment. By integrating environmental thinking into the daily routines of the business, the nursing home can contribute to a better future for both residents and staff. Here is a step-by-step plan to get started with the work and reduce the business's carbon footprint.
Proposal for a strategic plan for environmental work in a nursing home
Of course, there are many factors in a nursing home that can have a negative impact on the environment, but there are also many factors that can be influenced. A large amount of disposable products are used, and the amount of waste is relatively large. Many times, the business depends on what is delivered to the business based on central procurement, and it is not always clear environmental requirements in these procurements. Medication, for example, is not eco-labelled.
Many businesses strive to become climate neutral, but there are necessary products missing for a nursing home to be climate neutral today. There are no incontinence protections that can be reused. The elderly need to have it warm and comfortable, and the lighting is important to reduce the risk of falling. In some cases, it is also used to promote a natural circadian rhythm.
Food is becoming increasingly in focus when it comes to environmental impact. Organic and locally produced are concepts that often occur. Meat production can also have environmental impact, and many argue that we need to eat less meat. The conditions to influence the choice of food are different at different nursing homes, but most can do something.
At first glance, it is easy to get stuck in difficulties and obstacles, but if you take the time and ponder a bit, you might be able to think of quite a few small changes that can be made without it really affecting daily work or purchases that much. It may feel difficult to find concrete facts and written material around this. But there are many who work with development around these issues such as, for example, the city of Gothenburg has produced a simple script on four pages - Prevent waste in the nursing home.
When looking on the internet we find the following examples of measures:
• Avoid unnecessary prescription of medicines through, for example, sample packs.
• Work with complement to medication management to thereby limit the residents' need for medication.
• Introduce toilet routines and other measures to reduce the consumption of incontinence aids.
• Avoid incontinence protection - for safety's sake.
• Switch out disposable underpads for washable reusable alternatives.
• Educate staff/have clearer instructions on when gloves should be used and when they are not needed.
• Use washable reusable bib for those in need.
• Purchase eco-labelled cleaning products/chemicals with environmental impact and dose according to instructions.
• Review ordering routines so that the business does not have stock for several years ahead and/or has the wrong products in stock.
• Review consumption patterns, for example, do you use more paper than needed or… do you brew coffee that is never drunk…
• By following up what is thrown away in the business, it may be possible to find other "unnecessary" consumption. Look at what is thrown away in the business. Is there unnecessary consumption? How much coffee is poured out?
• Sort the waste that can be sorted such as packaging, plastic, glass and paper.
• Take care of food that is leftover in a safe way. Feedback deficiencies when it comes to food deliveries to the supplier.
• Review if someone needs a special diet, for example, nutrient-enriched smaller portions for those who cannot eat up a full-size portion.
• Turn off lights in spaces that are not used (is it possible to have automatic control of the light, install sensors that turn off when no one is in the room)
• Use low-energy lamps
• Take care of the equipment in the nursing home so that the need for new purchases decreases - The best waste is the one that never arises.
Set goals and compare and measure differences, such as less consumption of paper, coffee incontinence protection, etc. when you make changes. When you see the differences, you may be able to do something nice together for the money you manage to save through the environmental work.
How the nursing home can reduce its environmental impact – A plan for sustainable care
Step 1: Create an environmental group and set goals
Effective environmental work starts with commitment from staff and management. The first step is to form an environmental group that can come up with concrete proposals and set clear goals. The group should consist of representatives from different parts of the nursing home - care staff, kitchen staff, cleaning staff and management.
- Set goals: Set realistic, measurable goals to reduce energy consumption, waste and chemical use.
- Involve residents and relatives: Listen to proposals and engage them in the work. This can be done through regular meetings and information mailings.
Step 2: Map and reduce energy consumption
By reducing energy consumption, the nursing home can not only save on costs but also reduce its environmental impact.
- Switch to energy-efficient lamps and appliances: LED lamps and energy-efficient white goods can significantly reduce energy consumption.
- Optimize heating: Adjust indoor temperature according to need, especially at night, and ensure that heat does not leak out through windows and doors.
- Turn off electronics when not in use: Encourage turning off computers, lighting and other appliances when not needed.
Step 3: Streamline waste management
A well-functioning waste sorting system is crucial for reducing environmental impact.
- Introduce source sorting: Have clearly labeled containers for recycling paper, plastic, metal and glass. Regularly inform about the importance of correct sorting.
- Collect and recycle food waste: Food waste can be composted or collected for biogas production.
- Reduce food waste: Plan meals so that food waste is reduced. This can be done by serving smaller portions and encouraging taking more instead of leaving food.
Step 4: Reduce the use of chemicals
Chemicals used in cleaning products and disinfectants negatively affect the environment. By choosing environmentally friendly products, the nursing home can reduce its chemical use.
- Select eco-labelled cleaning products: Be sure to use eco-labelled products that are biodegradable.
- Optimize cleaning routines: Clean only where it is really needed, and avoid overuse of strong chemicals.
- Educate the staff: Provide staff with training on how to use chemicals in a way that reduces environmental impact.
Step 5: Create green and sustainable meals
The diet plays a major role in the nursing home's environmental impact. By choosing locally produced and organic raw materials and reducing meat consumption, the nursing home can contribute to a more sustainable meal management.
- Introduce vegetarian meal options: Offer vegetarian alternatives at every meal to reduce meat consumption.
- Choose locally produced raw materials: Invest in local and organic products to reduce transport emissions and support sustainable production.
- Reduce waste: Adapt portions and have routines for taking care of leftover food.
Step 6: Educate and engage staff
The environmental work at the nursing home is most effective when all employees are involved and understand the importance of sustainable routines.
- Environmental education: Conduct regular training and inform the staff about why their efforts are important for the environment.
- Inspire and motivate: Hold meetings where employees can share their ideas and solutions. Highlight good examples to inspire others.
Step 7: Follow-up and evaluation
It is important to continuously follow up and evaluate how the environmental work is progressing to identify new improvement opportunities and keep the commitment up.
- Analyze results: Document the progress and analyze how well the nursing home reaches its environmental goals.
- Adjust and improve: Based on the analysis, the nursing home can adjust its strategies and continue to develop its environmental work.
- Celebrate successes: Highlight progress and let all employees know how their efforts contribute to a positive development.
Reducing the nursing home's environmental impact is about small, concrete steps that together make a big difference. By creating an environmental group, setting goals, streamlining energy consumption, managing waste sustainably, reducing chemical use and choosing sustainable meal alternatives, the nursing home can take an active responsibility for our planet. By educating and engaging staff, environmental work becomes a natural part of everyday life, providing both residents and staff with a safe and healthy environment.
Reflection questions - reduced environmental impact:
Care staff:
- Do you discuss what you can do to reduce the nursing home's environmental and environmental impact?
Manager, nurse, occupational therapist and physiotherapist:
- Are there more things that can be done to reduce the nursing home's environmental and environmental impact?
Residents and relatives:
- Do you see other opportunities to reduce the nursing home's environmental and environmental impact?
Erland Olsson
Specialist nurse
Sofrosyne - Better care every day
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